Hakeem Almidan

lsdir - A Shell Alias for Only Listing Directories

The Problem

When working in the terminal, you sometimes need to list only the directories in the current location. The standard ls command shows both files and directories, which can be overwhelming in cluttered directories.

The command for listing only directories in the current location is ls -d */ which is not simple to remember, especially if it’s not something that you do often.

The Solution: lsdir

lsdir, an alias for only listing directories, which hopefully is easier to remember.

1. Open your .zshrc or .bashrc file:

For Zsh:

vim ~/.zshrc

For Bash:

vim ~/.bashrc

2. Click i on your keyboard to go into editing mode in vim

3. Add the following line:

alias lsdir='ls -d */'

4. Save the file and reload your shell configuration:

For Zsh:

source ~/.zshrc

For Bash:

source ~/.bashrc

5. Try it


You’re done; Happy coding! 👾

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